In this blog, we will install and configure the BIND DNS server on Windows. My motivation for this was to use a wildcard DNS record for a domain because the etc/hosts file doesn’t support wildcards.

Why BIND? Because BIND is the most commonly used DNS server software on the Internet and it is open-source software.

Installing BIND

Download Bind9 for windows

Download BIND for Windows from here:

Installing BIND

  • Run the BINDInstall.exe as an administrator.
  • Enter the service account name and password.
  • If all goes well, you will see the message, BIND installation completed successfully.

BIND installation image

Add BIND to your PATH

Add the Bind Installation Path/bin to the Path Environment Variable.

Set the correct filesystem permission

  • Right-click on the BIND installation folder, go to Properties > Security > Edit.
  • Click on Add.
  • Type the name of the service account name (e.g., named) you specified during installation.
  • Tick the Allow box for both Modify and Write.
  • Full control is not required (and, for security purposes, should not be granted).

Configuring BIND

Inside the BIND installation folder, create two directories: zones and logs.

BIND 9 uses a single configuration file called named.conf.

etc/named.conf file

include "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\etc\named.conf.options";
include "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\etc\named.conf.local";
include "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\etc\named.conf.logging";

etc/named.conf.local file

zone "" {
     type master;
     file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\zones\";

// zone file for the root servers
zone "." {
  type hint;
  file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\zones\named.root";

etc/named.conf.logging file

Click to see code:
logging {
     channel default_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\default.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel auth_servers_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\auth_servers.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel dnssec_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\dnssec.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel zone_transfers_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\zone_transfers.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel ddns_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\ddns.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel client_security_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\client_security.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel rate_limiting_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\rate_limiting.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel rpz_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\rpz.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel dnstap_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\dnstap.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel queries_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\queries.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity info;
     channel query-errors_log {
          file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\logs\query-errors.log";
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          severity dynamic;
     channel default_syslog {
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          syslog daemon;
          severity info;
     channel default_debug {
          print-time yes;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          file "";
          severity dynamic;
     category default { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category config { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category dispatch { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category network { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category general { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category zoneload { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category resolver { auth_servers_log; default_debug; };
     category cname { auth_servers_log; default_debug; };
     category delegation-only { auth_servers_log; default_debug; };
     category lame-servers { auth_servers_log; default_debug; };
     category edns-disabled { auth_servers_log; default_debug; };
     category dnssec { dnssec_log; default_debug; };
     category notify { zone_transfers_log; default_debug; };
     category xfer-in { zone_transfers_log; default_debug; };
     category xfer-out { zone_transfers_log; default_debug; };
     category update{ ddns_log; default_debug; };
     category update-security { ddns_log; default_debug; };
     category client{ client_security_log; default_debug; };
     category security { client_security_log; default_debug; };
     category rate-limit { rate_limiting_log; default_debug; };
     category spill { rate_limiting_log; default_debug; };
     category database { rate_limiting_log; default_debug; };
     category rpz { rpz_log; default_debug; };
     category dnstap { dnstap_log; default_debug; };
     category trust-anchor-telemetry { default_syslog; default_debug; default_log; };
     category queries { queries_log; };
     category query-errors {query-errors_log; };

etc/named.conf.options file

options {
          directory "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\zones";    # Sets the location of the root hints file
          recursion yes;                                    # Allows recursive queries (looking-up unknown hosts)
          allow-recursion { any; };                         # Allows any DNS client to make recursive queries
          listen-on { any; };                               # Listen on all IPv4 addresses (but not IPv6)
          listen-on-v6 { any; };
          allow-query { any; };
          allow-transfer { none; };                         # disable zone transfers by default
          version none;                                     # Prevents attackers getting the BIND version
          prefetch 10 60;                                   # Prefetches any cached record with a TTL > 60 seconds when it gets to within 10 seconds of expiry)
          rate-limit { responses-per-second 10; };          # Tries to limit DNS DDoS attacks
          querylog yes;                                     # Ensure query logging is enabled
          #blackhole {                                      # Drop queries that result in IPs for these ranges
          #    10/8;                                        #  - remove this line if you are running on a 10.x.y.z network
          #    172.16/12;                                   #  - remove this line if you are running on a 172.16.x.y network
          #    192.168/16;                                  #  - remove this line if you are running on a 192.168.x.y network
          // Forward DNS queries to public DNS resolvers
          forwarders {
  ;        // Google Public DNS
  ;        // Google Public DNS
  ;        // Cloudflare DNS
  ;        // Cloudflare DNS
  ;    // Default DNS
          // indicates all queries will be forwarded other than for defined zones
          //forward only;
          dnssec-validation auto;                           # sets the DNS root zone as the trust anchor for DNSSEC
          // Other options
          auth-nxdomain no;    // Conform to RFC1035

Zone files

zones/ file

$TTL 3600
@    IN    SOA (
                7 ; Serial
                10000       ; Refresh
                2400       ; Retry
                604800    ; Expire
                3600 )     ; Minimum TTL

;; NS Records    86400    IN    NS    86400    IN    NS    IN    A

;; CNAME Records    IN    CNAME    IN    CNAME

;; MX Records    IN    MX    50    IN    MX    20    IN    MX    10    IN    MX    18    IN    MX    47    IN    MX    4

*    IN    CNAME

named.root file

Run this command in the zones directory:

dig NS . > named.root

or download it from here.

Generating the RNDC keyfile

Run the following command to generate the RNDC keyfile:

rndc-confgen -a

You should see the following message: wrote key file "C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\etc\rndc.key"

Start Bind

In windows Go to Services and find the ISC BIND service, and click Start. Status will change to running.

Verify if it’s running using the dig command:

dig +short '@'

dig command output


  • Go to Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application and filter by the event source named to see the problem.
  • Check the log files in logs folder.

Allow BIND through firewall

If you are facing network connectivity issues, try changing firewall rules.

  • If the connection is blocked, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
  • Click on Change settings > Allow another app…
  • Browse to the BIND executable (e.g., bin/named.exe), select it, and click Add.

Happy Hacking