Security level: low
Submit the word “success” to win.
we have phrase=ChangeMe and we have to change it to “success”. there is token and the value of token is md5(rot13(phrase).
rot13(“success”) = “fhpprff”
md5(“fhpprff”) = “38581812b435834ebf84ebcc2c6424d6”
so value of token and phrase:
let’s submit this:
Security level: medium
The value of token for phrase=ChangeMe is: token=XXeMegnahCXX
if we look closely we can see that the value is “XX” + reverse of phrase + “XX”
so new value for “sseccus” will be “XXsseccusXX”
Security level: high
JavaScript is performing following 3 steps to generate token:
reverse the value of phrase:
prepend ‘XX’ at start and sha256:
token = ‘XX’ + token = ‘XXsseccus’
sha256(token) = sha256(“XXsseccus”) = “7f1bfaaf829f785ba5801d5bf68c1ecaf95ce04545462c8b8f311dfc9014068a”
append ‘ZZ’ and sha256:
token = token + ‘ZZ’ = “7f1bfaaf829f785ba5801d5bf68c1ecaf95ce04545462c8b8f311dfc9014068aZZ”
sha256(token) = sha256(“7f1bfaaf829f785ba5801d5bf68c1ecaf95ce04545462c8b8f311dfc9014068aZZ”) = “ec7ef8687050b6fe803867ea696734c67b541dfafb286a0b1239f42ac5b0aa84”
let’s submit this:
Happy Hacking