
  • Sam has encrypted his password. The encryption system is publicly accessible.


  • General Cryptography knowledge & common sense.


  • Try encrypting some characters, to figure out how the encryption algorithm works. ​Start simple, like, try a small string consisting of the same character.

Difficulty: Easy.

Points: 30

Challenge Link:

Forum Link:


In this challenge we have encrypted password and we can encrypt our own password.

By encrypting simple string like ‘aaaa’ we get the encrypted version ‘abcd’ from this pattern we can guess that the encryption algorithm is incrementing each character by one ASCII number in ascending order. We can write simple python programme to decrypt the encrypted password.

print('Decrypted password: ', end='')
a = "dgg<=g=8"
for i in range(len(a)):
    print(chr(ord(a[i])-i), end="")

Decrypted password: dfe99b71

Happy Hacking